Privacy Policy - Send to Cuba Top!

Privacy Policy Shipping to Cuba Top!

In Shipments to Cuba Top! We take the privacy of our users and customers very seriously. Here’s how we use and protect the information we collect on our website.

  1. Information collected When you register in Envios a Cuba Top! In order to use our services, we may request personal information, such as your name, email address, telephone number, and mailing address. We may also collect information about your shipments, including sender and recipient information, as well as package details and payment methods used.
  2. Use of Information The information we collect is used to process your orders and shipments, to communicate with you about your orders, to improve our services, and for statistical purposes. In addition, we can use the information to send you offers and promotions related to our services, as long as you have given your prior consent.
  3. Protection of information Envios a Cuba Top! We take technical and organizational measures to protect the information we collect. We use appropriate security measures to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized disclosure, and unauthorized access to information.
  4. Disclosure of information Shipments to Cuba Top! will not disclose your personal information to third parties, unless it is necessary to provide the services you have requested or to comply with a legal obligation. In such a case, we will ensure that the information is disclosed only to those third parties that have an adequate privacy policy and offer an equivalent level of data protection to ours.
  5. Changes in the Privacy Policy Shipping to Cuba Top! reserves the right to update and modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If we make significant changes to the way we treat your personal information, we will notify you via the website or by email.

If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us through our website. Thank you for choosing the advice we give in Envíos a Cuba Top!.